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Miner's Minutes November/December 2024

Posted Date: 11/14/24 (10:15 PM)

Miner's Minutes
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From the Board of Education President
Dear Telluride School Community,
In this President's Corner I wish to acknowledge that our society is going through a time of change, throughout the world. And whether you celebrate or moan, change is stressful. It feels acute right now during election season but there have been many changes in the works for awhile. Just in our school community it could be an updated School Finance Formula that is sufficiently funded to cause no harm but does more good than bad. Or the recently released study on our Accreditation System which is how school district's success is measured. We have done well in the old system being Accredited with Distinction for many years. Updates to Title IV afford more protections to a diverse student population. And new more complex measures to keep everyone safe in an unpredictable world.
Your schools have been paying attention to the shifting winds and developing strategies and tools to make the changes asked of us. These tools may seem esoteric; updating our decades old Mission Statement and introducing a Global Ends Statement with articulated target Goals to effect change, as well as a much-needed Inclusion Statement given the divisive times we are in. When applied these have created some exciting improvements in our system which have been communicated in our Board meetings and District Accountability Meetings a well as Building Miner Community Meetings.
Which brings up improved communication. For it is only through collaboration and communication that we can achieve these high goals to serve our students to the best of our ability. We are refining a list of all the possible ways one can participate or engage and will make that available soon. When that is shared, find your best fit and join us even if you can only come a few times. In the meantime please look at upcoming dates below for BOE meetings and District Accountabilty meetings. We are all busy, but your input is valued. 

In appreciation,
Cheryl Carstens Miller
From the Superintendent
As we enter the second half of the 2024-25 school year, I wanted to take the opportunity to send out a reminder about our Inclusion Statement. I am including the statement below, as well as some other relevant information for your awareness and to consider when talking to your students.

In Telluride, we believe diversity, equity, and inclusion are essential to fostering growth and that all students, families, faculty, and staff members bring unique experiences, backgrounds, identities, and perspectives that enrich our community when recognized and celebrated. We are committed to cultivating a sense of belonging and empowering advocacy by actively listening, and welcoming everyone’s stories to create a community that is respectful, empathetic, and joyful.

·        Commitment to Serving All Students: Our public schools are dedicated to serving every student in our attendance area, regardless of immigration status. Due to federal and state laws, we are prohibited from asking about the immigration status of our students and families. We are committed to ensuring every child receives the same warm welcome and support.
·        Commitment to Inclusion and Belonging: Our school district prioritizes Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging. We believe that each student deserves a safe, welcoming, and respectful learning environment.
·        A Unified Community: We are committed to fostering a community where all students and their families feel valued and supported, regardless of background or origin.

To Consider When Talking to Your Students
·        You Belong Here: Every student in our school is valued and belongs here, no matter where they were born or where they lived in the past. We are committed to ensuring a welcoming space for all.
·        Celebrating Diversity: Our school is stronger because we're all different, and everyone has special ideas and talents to share.
·        Support and Open Communication: We at the school are here to help! If you have any questions or worries about feeling safe at school, talk to your teacher, counselor, or another trusted adult. We’re here for you.
·        Kindness First: In our school, we respect everyone and treat each other with kindness. Remember that we are all part of one team, and every student brings something special to our school.
·        Speak Up for Others: If you hear someone being unkind to another student, be brave and speak up or let an adult know. We all play a part in making our school a safe place for everyone.

Thank you again for your support of our schools!

John Pandolfo

Student Spotlight
Congratulations to 3rd grader Natalia Lopez Carmelo who is the Colorado Association School Board (CASB) Elementary Art Award Winner. This is a huge honor as there are 184 districts. You can see the piece below.

TMHS October Students of the Month:
7th: Lucy Lybrand
8Th: Diego Gregorio Gomez
9/10: Owen Stewart
11/12: Tyrece Issac

Picture of Aspen Trees
Staff Spotlight
Kitchen Crew
Wednesday's Telluride Daily Planet's features an article on hard-working kitchen crew which serves students fruits, vegetables from local growers
An excerpt below reads:

The Telluride school’s kitchens are tasked with serving both breakfast and lunch each day for elementary, middle school and high school students. All meals are served at no cost to students, per a recently-passed Colorado law. Vegetarian, gluten-free and dairy-free options are available daily, upon request.

“Elementary students at TES and TIS are now served breakfast before school at 7:55 a.m.,” Christine Reich, director of finance and food services for the Telluride School District, said.

The school would like to be able to supply farm-to-table (or at least, farm to cafeteria) foods at every meal.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, the school district took Barrett up on her offer. “The fact that I was going this direction anyway,” and could easily drop off fresh fruit, “makes it extra green!” Barrett said with delight.

“Honey Rock is one of the few producers that will deliver directly to us,” Reich said (the Fresh Food Hub, in Norwood, which supplies fresh vegetables, is another). “We try to buy everything fresh,” Reich said. “We don’t do any long-term storage. Every breakfast and lunch includes a serving of fresh fruit.”

The school district’s kitchen manager, Roxana Soto, has worked closely with Barrett on the delivery of fresh pears, when in season.
Black and White photo of students sitting at desks with pen and paper
Thank you to all the donors to the Calvo Family Fundraiser – we have raised over $30k shout out to local businesses: Telluride Sports and Telluride Toggery for their generous donations.

To Chef Eliza Gavin and Maki Koike for their help in the culinary class.

TEF for the fun and scary Halloween Fest and Haunted House.

Shout out to Claudia Tassier, Danita Strand, Christopher EarthTree, Laura Knight, and Betsy Muennich for taking out 6th graders to the Outdoor Wilderness Leadership 3 day overnight where they learned science concepts in context, connected with nature, and developed critical skills that will serve them as they graduate on to Middle School.

Thank you to Citizens State Bank, Community Banks of Colorado and the Telluride families who have generously contributed to the Schools’ Winter PE program. With an annual fundraising goal of $20,000, we have raised over $7,000 so far!  We expect to award a total of $44,000 of Winter Sport scholarships this year. We also extend our heartfelt gratitude to Telski and Telluride Sports for their invaluable contributions in making this unique program possible. Link here for more information.

Thank you to Pinhead and all the parent volunteers who made 4th grade frog dissection such a success! Our students really grew their scientific 

Thank you to all of the Spanish Speaking families who participated in the book study of “Buscando Vida, Encontrando Éxito” Special thanks to Joanna MacDonald and Ericka de Maquera for making this happen. Also, a big shout out to Alexamphy Fernandez, her daughter and Dori's Crowe’s daughter for providing childcare so their moms could be fully present during the meeting...and also to administration for providing pizza for the families.

Hispanic Heritage Month was a fabulous celebration this year in all schools thanks to the efforts of our Spanish teachers! Special thanks to Arlet Roca, Luis Poblete, Consuelo Garzon, Jesus Galindo, Laura Maraboli, Ursula Cristol, Sara Lopez and Ericka DeMa
Clutter table with multiple laptops
November 18: BOE Work Session 3:30 pm Bridal Veil Conference Room/Zoom
November 18: HCKS Community Presentation at 5:30 at the Science and innovation Center at the Depot.
November 19: BOE Monthly Meeting 5:15 pm Bridal Veil Conference Room/Zoom
November 21: Coffee Talk with the Superintendent 8:00 - 8:45 am at LizTelluride 200 W. Colorado Unit 1
November 22: 1:30 TIS Spelling Bee and Gratitude assembly in the Palm
November 25-29: Thanksgiving Break
December 4: TMHS Winter Concert 5:45 pm Palm
December 6: TIS Winter Concert 2 pm Palm
December 9: District Accountability 5:15 pm Bridal Veil Conference Room/Zoom
December 10: TES Winter Concert 9 am Palm
December 17: BOE Monthly Meeting 5:15 pm Bridal Veil Conference Room/Zoom
December 20: Half day of school Pk-12
December 23-January 3: Winter Break
Little Shop of Horrors
Little Shop of Horrors
Come see this weekend and support Angela, Tuck, the band, the crew, and the actors. This is Angela’s last major production. She has put years of dedication to these students and filling the Palm would show her the love she deserves!

November 15 & 16 7 at pm
November 17 at 2 pm
Palm Theatre
Inclusion and Belonging Logo
If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact us. You can reach out via the following links:

  • 970-728-4377